Rent Arrears

If your tenant is failing to pay the rent, eviction is the only option.

There are a number of processes which you can follow to evict your tenant, one of which allows for the recovery of rent.

Serving a section 8 Notice allows a Landlord to issue a claim for the outstanding rent arrears provided the notice refers to grounds 8, 10, and 11.

At the hearing, when the courts make an order for possession of the property provided that the rent arrears can be proven the Court will make a money order, otherwise known as a County Court Judgement or CCJ, for the outstanding rent arrears to be paid usually within 14 days of the order.

Recovery of Rent Arrears

Some tenants will do everything possible to avoid paying the rental arrears during their tenancy period and even after they have been evicted from the property and are subject to a County Court Judgement.

Our Solicitors can help you recover the money that you are owed. They can offer you honest advice on the chances of recovering your money and advise you on the best means of recovering the rent arrears.

We offer a wide variety of affordable services to recover your money:

Debt Collection

Third Part Debt Order:

Attachment of Earnings Order:

Bankruptcy proceedings:

Charging Order:

High Court Enforcement

For more information please contact us on or call us on +44 (0) 1908 924 200